Sarah Cole created a maze by highlighting the details of the garden’s crazy paving. Following the cracks she constructed a labyrinth in miniature, a Victorian oddity that draws to attention the peculiar privilege of a walled kitchen-garden space. The barriers emerging from the spaces of in-between took the viewer - like Alice in Wonderland - on a visual as well as a physical journey.
Referencing the garden's former use, the maze was landscaped with chamomile and thyme, both herbs known for their fragrance and medicinal properties. The seeds were sewn and the pattern emerged as the herbs grew throughout the exhibition, becoming established and manicured over the summer.
Cole's practice involves the investigation of site in terms of audience, experience, boundaries and history. Often working collaboratively, she creates installations and events that reflect the frictions and dynamics of a space, looking for the cracks in appearance or perception.
The maze under construction